Yesterday, when India played Srilanka, a lot of worth mentioning moments took place. Like Dravid hitting Zoyasa for a six, Kaif reverse sweeping Murli, Pathan hitting Murli out of the longest boundary etc. But the moment which stood out of all is this.
Sehwag was ambling for a second run when Zoyasa threw a direct hit at the stumps. Now, even a Bat in the daylight could have seen that it was out. Just to make sure, umpire called for a replay. Mr Sehwag, in the hearts of the heart must have jolly well known that he is out. Most of the times batsman knows and for cases like this, one actually walks out without waiting for the third umpire.
Sehwag too, didn't wait for the third umpire but not for walking. I couldn't believe my eyes when this guy actually called for the water. What a stud !! What a goddam attitude!! I laughed aloud for well few minutes after that.
I was quite disappointed when Sunny By Day didn't declare this as the moment of the day.